Creative media
and how people
relate to it
Deezer Research is a team of scientists and
engineers specialized in Music and Audio Analysis,
Natural Language Understanding, and Recommender Systems.
Harnessing High-Level Song Descriptors towards Natural Language-Based Music Recommendation
Elena V. Epure, Gabriel Meseguer Brocal, Darius Afchar, Romain Hennequin
WASABI: a Two Million Song Database Project with Audio and Cultural Metadata plus WebAudio enhanced Client Applications
G. Meseguer-Brocal, G. Peeters, G. Pellerin, M. Buffa, E. Cabrio, C. Faron Zucker, A. Giboin, I. Mirbel, R. Hennequin, M. Moussallam, F. Piccoli, T. Fillon