Automatic Annotation of Direct Speech in Written French Narratives
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Pauzee : Pauses Prediction in Text Reading
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A Human Subject Study of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Conversational Music Recommendation Queries
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Data-Efficient Playlist Captioning With Musical and Linguistic Knowledge
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Exploiting Device and Audio Data to Tag Music with User-Aware Listening Contexts
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Network Analyses for Cross-Cultural Music Popularity
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Probing Pre-trained Auto-regressive Language Models for Named Entity Typing and Recognition
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Topic Modeling on Podcast Short-Text Metadata
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Explainability in Music Recommender Systems
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Are Metal Fans Angrier than Jazz Fans? A Genre-Wise Exploration of the Emotional Language of Music Listeners on Reddit
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Visualyre: Multimodal Visualization of Lyrics
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Modeling the Music Genre Perception across Language-Bound Cultures
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Prediction of User Listening Contexts for Music Playlists
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Multilingual Music Genre Embeddings for Effective Cross-Lingual Music Item Annotation
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Should We Consider the Users in Contextual Music Auto-Tagging Models?
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Muzeeglot: a Web Interface for Visualizing Multilingual Music Genre Embedding Spaces
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Confidence-Based Weighted Loss for Multi-label Classification with Missing Labels
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Audio-Based Auto-Tagging with Contextual Tags for Music
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Leveraging Knowledge Bases and Parallel Annotations for Music Genre Translation
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